Sunday, August 16, 2009

Out on the Lake!

Saturday we went to the lake. Kiana HATES the water. She dreads going to the lake - asking about every 5 minutes for 3 days leading up to the lake trip "are you gonna make me swim?" It gets so annoying - but she is just petrified of the water.

However - she does like to ride in the boat. I don't have any idea why she is so scared of the water. I wish I knew why, and could ease her fear, but no go.

On the other hand - Cameron loves to swim and tube etc. He has been a thrill seeker his entire life. He is cautious - but loves to have fun.

Here is cute little miss in her sunglasses. Oh - to be young and carefree!! I don't know what she is pointing to, but we were just stopped and chilling at this point.
Here we are clearly under way - hair blowing in the wind. Again, even though she is so scared of the water - she sometimes falls asleep while the boat is running as it soothes her or something.
Here is Eric, our driver for the day. He claims he is calling it quits for water sports for the rest of this summer. After his fall a few weeks ago, he still can't turn his neck completely, and he wants that to have plenty of time to heal.

Here is Cameron, and a friends niece that went with us. They rode together - and had alot of fun. We had so much fun, that over 2 hours flew by in no time. Then we packed it up and went home for the day. It was really windy, so the water was pretty choppy! More than anything they were catching air on the tube from all the waves.
Sad that the weekend is coming to another END!! Oh the dreaded work week - and still I did not win the POWERBALL!!

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